The Westview High School Band has a great soundtrack for the last few whirlwind weeks. Conjure up Gotham City and 1960s TV and the “na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na” now playing in your head conveys the frenetic pace of practice, fundraising, competing and performance. Throw in the award-winning high schoolers take on Prince and stylish new uniforms, and the stage is set for a brief recap for band season 2021.
Two competitions took place on September 25 at the University of Tennessee’s Hardy Graham Stadium. The West Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Marching Festival was followed by the UTM Aviators Marching Invitational. The first event saw Westview starting the day for all participants with their rendition of the National Anthem and earning the highest score of 1 out of 5 for their performance.
In the afternoon, they once again performed the mashup they deemed “The Guardian of Gotham.” In Class AA, they walked away with first place in the category of Field Commander. Ahyania Ivory has assumed that role this year. They also placed first in percussion, second in band, and third in color guard. Mike Tucker is the band’s director.
The Westview Jazz Band under the direction of Jennifer Cupples, and Martin Middle School Band, directed by Tucker, joined in for the 35th Annual Band Supper.
Thanks to band parents from the past and present, the generosity (and hunger) of the community and the talents of teens, the annual supper and show sold 1500 tickets, grossed around $6000, and will see a portion of the profits go to cover band costs and a portion toward the spring trip to perform and march at Disney World in Florida, said director Mike Tucker.
He and fellow teachers Jennifer Cupples and Becca Steele praised the work everyone put in for the fundraiser. Tucker offered special thanks go to Clay Simmons, Jeff Oliver, and Beau Pemberton who manned the pits for the barbecue, beans, slaw, and chips supper. Band parents added the bake sale items.
The first road trip competition was to Jonesboro, Arkansas. There the high school band was awarded a Superior Rating Overall; 1st place, Percussion; 1st place, Color Guard; 2nd place, Field Commander; and 2nd place, Band.
Halftime shows and more competitions await this fall with the Westview and Martin Middle Bands’ Sounds of the Season scheduled for December 14.
The Westview Jazz Band under the direction of Jennifer Cupples started off the performance portion of the 35th Annual Band Supper with their take on “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If You Ain’t Got that Swing.”
The Westview Band journeyed to Jonesboro, Arkansas, and garnered a Superior Rating Overall. Seen here from left to right are (front, left to right) Noelle Ingram, Amy Kang, Elizabeth Ostenson, Ahyania Ivory, Allison Paschall, Tori Ary, Riley Perkins; (back, left to right) Hannah Harrell, Azaria Rooks, Lee Ann Hudson, Hunter Henson, Avery Dyer, Harrison Simpson, Michael Moon, Emellie Kendall, and Emily Baker.
Sunset provided a great backdrop for Martin Middle School Band, directed by Mike Tucker, at the annual fundraiser.
Westview and Martin Middle School Band Director Mike Tucker expressed thanks to band parents past and present and the community for supporting the 35th Annual Band Supper which grossed approximately $6000. After expenses are covered, the band will have a good start on collecting monies needed for band necessities as well as the planned trip to Disney World in Florida where they will march in the Magical Kingdom.