By Amanda Perry, DHS FFA
Dresden FFA left on Oct. 26 from Dresden High School, to pick up Westview and Greenfield FFA at Westview High School in Martin. The chapters traveled to Effingham, Illinois, to spend the night so they could travel to Indianapolis, Indiana for the 94th National FFA Convention and Expo.
The local chapters got to meet new people from many different places and they made new friends along the way. While in Indianapolis the chapters attended the Cinch Bulls and Broncs Rodeo, they spent time building friendships and connections with the local chapters and themselves. They got to learn more about the new advancements in farming technology. The chapters also spoke to many different colleges and career opportunities, they got to participate in hands-on activities and workshops. The chapters also learned what it is like to own a small business, and got to hear stories about how the business owners followed their passions.
The chapters would like to thank the chapter advisors, and the chaperones for keeping everyone safe in their travels. The chapters would also like to thank the National FFA for providing such an educational and fun time. They would also like to thank the bus driver who got them there and back safely, and who was willing to help us in a time of need.
Dresden, Greenfield and Westview FFA attended the 94th Annual National Convention and Expo last week. The group of more than 35 students and sponsors Jonathan Holden, Matt Humphrey, David Hochreiter and Kyle Rogers traveled by bus to Indianapolis, Indiana.