Perhaps the most critical component to your child's educational success is their overall school attendance. Gleason School's attendance policy states that a student may use up to 5 parent notes and 5 doctor/formal notes within the first 10 total days missed. Within this timeframe, all 5 parent notes for the school year must be used. All absentees occurring after the 10th day missed must have a doctor note or formal note to be excused, and are subject to review by the Principal. Examples of formal notes include doctor, funeral, court, etc.
Once a child reaches 5 absentees of any kind, parents will receive a letter from the Assistant Principal, along with an updated attendance total, as a courtesy reminder of where the child stands in regards to attendance. In compliance with Tennessee truancy law, a new process has been implemented regarding unexcused absentees and the truancy process. The law now requires a tiered intervention process.
Click on this link to view the Weakley County School Board Policy on School Attendance: ATTENDANCE
Gleason School Unexcused Attendance Policy
*Students have 3 days following an absentee to produce an applicable note for the event to be excused. The first day back at school counts as the first day. After this 3-day window, the event will remain unexcused.
*All students who reach a total of 5 days absent (excused or unexcused) will receive an attendance letter from the school. This letter will serve as a reminder of the policy and notify parents about remaining excuses.
*All students who accumulate 3 unexcused days will receive a letter from the school that must be signed by a parent and returned to the school office. A notification will be sent to the Director of Schools and District Attendance Coordinator.
*1st Tier Intervention: Students who accumulate 5 unexcused days will receive a letter from Weakley Co. Schools. A meeting will be scheduled at the school level between the principal, assistant principal, parent, and student. At this meeting, an attendance contract will be signed by all parties, and a review will occur on a 6 weeks basis. If a breach of contract occurs (an additional unexcused event) tier 2 intervention will occur.
*2nd Tier Intervention: Students who breach contract in tier 1 and accumulate 6 unexcused days will be referred to the District Attendance Coordinator. This action will trigger a parental contact to be made from appropriate county level counselors and/or representatives of the Weakley Co. Juvenile Court system. Should an additional unexcused event occur after this contact, tier 3 intervention will occur.
*3rd Tier Intervention: Students who reach this level and accumulate 7 unexcused days will be referred to the Weakley Co. Truancy Board. This meeting will be conducted at the district office and will consist of the parent, student, principal, district coordinator, and a representative of the Weakley Co. Juvenile Court office. Should an additional unexcused event occur after this meeting, a truancy petition will be filed with the Weakley Co. Juvenile Court.
*Truancy Referral: Once all the appropriate documentation is filed with the court, a hearing date will be set to appear in Weakley Co. Juvenile Court. At this point, truancy is charged as “educational neglect” and is subject to fines, court costs, and/or community service, probation, or jail time.
*Seniors who miss over 18 days of school (excused or unexcused) may be excluded from participation in the graduation ceremony at the principal’s discretion.
It is our goal for your child to be in good-standing regarding attendance. Please find below the complete Weakley Co. Schools Attendance Policy in detail. Please call the school at 731-648-5351 if you have any questions. We will be happy to assist you with any attendance questions or provide you with an updated report regarding your child's attendance. Thank you in advance for providing the appropriate notes/documentation when absentees occur.
The Weakley County Board of Education believes that attendance is a key factor in student achievement; therefore, we expect all students to be present each day that school is in session. All students are to be full-time students. High school students must be enrolled each semester in subjects producing a minimum of five credits per year. All children will be required to attend school regularly from their sixth birthday to their eighteenth birthday, as outlined in the compulsory attendance statute, Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-3001.
PARENTS are responsible for the attendance of their children within the compulsory attendance age. A student who is habitually absent without permission or absent excessively will be referred to the Weakley County Truancy Board. If truancy continues after the Truancy Board appearance, the student and the student's parents will be cited into Juvenile Court. The parent(s) who refuse(s) or fail(s) to have the child attend school regularly will be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished in accordance with the law. Students have the right to a free and appropriate public education, which includes the right to equal educational opportunities without regard to race, sex, religion, or economic status.
Students have the responsibility to attend school regularly. Students may not leave the school grounds without permission of the school principal. An Off-Campus Permit is required in grades 9-12. Schools must establish procedures for admitting students who have been absent or tardy to class, maintain accurate records of student absences or tardiness, and report this information to the Weakley County Schools Attendance Supervisor.
The only exceptions will be as follows:
1. Students certified by a physician to be physically unable to attend (These children must then be considered for homebound instruction.);
2. Students suspended or expelled by the Weakley County Board of Education;
3. Students dismissed from compulsory attendance by the Weakley County Board of Education at the request of the principal and/or the parents/guardians; and
4. Students exempt from attendance as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-3005.
Absences and Excuses
After missing school, the student should bring a note from the parent/guardian or doctor to the principal outlining the reason for the absence(s). The principal will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused. All absences, excused and unexcused, will be properly recorded in the student information system.
Excused absences will be granted for the following:
1. Illness of the student or appointments with a doctor or dentist (A doctor’s statement may be required.);
2. Illness in the immediate family that would require the help of the student in the home (A doctor's statement may be required.);
3. Death in the immediate family;
4. Religious holidays regularly observed by persons of the student's faith;
5. Approved educational activities:
A. A maximum of five (5) days during the school year may be excused for educational activities (i.e., travel/study trips, participation in academic contests, etc., which are not sponsored by the school or school system.) Request for approval must be made before the activity.
B. A request for approval for educational activities exceeding five (5) days must be presented to the principal in writing. It will be referred to the Weakley County Board of Education for consideration and/or approval as an excused absence;
6. Documented court appearances;
7. Circumstances that in the judgment of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control.
Special conditions should be expected in the event of repeated absences. After five (5) absences, the principal may require a note from the doctor at any time. After five (5) unexcused absences, the principal will report the absence by phone to the attendance supervisor. The attendance supervisor will follow the procedures established by law. (Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-3007)
A student being late three (3) times will constitute one (1) absence. In departmental settings, each teacher may count tardiness.
Make-up Opportunities
A student who has an unexcused absence has no right to make up work for credit. Any homework or test assigned prior to an absence will be due the day the student returns to school. All homework or tests assigned during a student's absence must be completed and turned in by the same number of days absent plus one day. Any homework or test not made up during the specified time will result in a zero for that work. Arrangements for make-up work or tests are the student's responsibility.
Dismissal Procedures
Requests for dismissal before the close of the school day must be presented in writing, in person, or by phone by the parents/guardians either to the principal or to a designated person. The dismissal of school or any group of pupils to participate in athletics, band, or any other similar activity is not permitted except with the consent of the Weakley County Board of Education.
No student shall leave school premises during the school day without the written request of the parents/guardians, except in cases of illness or accident. Students shall not leave school to go to lunch. If illness or an accident occurs, the parent or guardian will be notified immediately. The parent will be urged to arrange to transport the student home.